Makers' Stories

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8 Industry Experts Select Shine 2024’s Top Picks

Posted by Isabel Keim on

Looking to stay ahead of the trends in jewellery and silversmithing? Curious about who the next big names in the industry will be? Or perhaps you’re on the hunt for the perfect statement piece to wear or gift this holiday season? You’re in the right place!

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8 Industry Experts Select Shine 2024’s Top Picks

Posted by Isabel Keim on

Looking to stay ahead of the trends in jewellery and silversmithing? Curious about who the next big names in the industry will be? Or perhaps you’re on the hunt for the perfect statement piece to wear or gift this holiday season? You’re in the right place!

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A Passion for Beads: Emma Lawrence’s Colourful Journey with Spangle Fandango

Posted by Rae Gellel on

A lifelong passion for all things “colourful and shiny” led Emma Lawrence to explore jewellery-making as a hobby around 2010. What began as a creative way to while away the evenings, however blossomed into Spangle Fandango, a jewellery brand that specialises in vibrant and fun colour juxtapositions, shapes and patterns created through the intricate weaving of tiny glass beads.

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A lifelong passion for all things “colourful and shiny” led Emma Lawrence to explore jewellery-making as a hobby around 2010. What began as a creative way to while away the evenings, however blossomed into Spangle Fandango, a jewellery brand that specialises in vibrant and fun colour juxtapositions, shapes and patterns created through the intricate weaving of tiny glass beads.

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From Spare Room to Seaside Studio: Roxanne Gilbert's Bold 'Spheres' Collection

Posted by Rae Gellel on

Roxanne Gilbert's journey from a South London spare room to a fully equipped studio with a view of Cornwall's tranquil shores has transformed her jewellery-making practice. Now, she’s set to debut her “Spheres” collection at Shine 2024, the Goldsmiths’ Centre's prestigious annual exhibition spotlighting the most exciting emerging talent in the industry.

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Roxanne Gilbert's journey from a South London spare room to a fully equipped studio with a view of Cornwall's tranquil shores has transformed her jewellery-making practice. Now, she’s set to debut her “Spheres” collection at Shine 2024, the Goldsmiths’ Centre's prestigious annual exhibition spotlighting the most exciting emerging talent in the industry.

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Emma Wilson on Capturing the Coast in Vitreous Enamel

Posted by Rae Gellel on

Coastal Echoes is silversmith and jeweller Emma Wilson’s heartfelt ode to Aberdeen beach, a collection that draws not upon postcard-like scenes of yellow sands and azure oceans, but rather the Scottish coastline in all its raw, unbridled beauty.

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Emma Wilson on Capturing the Coast in Vitreous Enamel

Posted by Rae Gellel on

Coastal Echoes is silversmith and jeweller Emma Wilson’s heartfelt ode to Aberdeen beach, a collection that draws not upon postcard-like scenes of yellow sands and azure oceans, but rather the Scottish coastline in all its raw, unbridled beauty.

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In the Footsteps of a 1st Century Goldsmith: Samantha Snow on Jewellery Crafted in Beeswax

Posted by Rae Gellel on

Unlike jeweller’s wax with its many pliable varieties, beeswax is fragile and capricious. This did not deter Samantha Snow however, a self-taught, Sussex-based jeweller whose fascination with history has led her to recreate, with painstaking authenticity, the techniques and experiences of 1st century goldsmiths.

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Unlike jeweller’s wax with its many pliable varieties, beeswax is fragile and capricious. This did not deter Samantha Snow however, a self-taught, Sussex-based jeweller whose fascination with history has led her to recreate, with painstaking authenticity, the techniques and experiences of 1st century goldsmiths.

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